Intercai Mondiale

Who we are

Our clients and services

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Examples of our policy and regulatory work

  • Development of a five year strategic plan for the telecoms market in response to issues such as convergence and high speed broadband, and the impact of free trade agreements.
  • Preparation of an ICT and postal policy and national plan to introduce liberalisation of the sector and licensing of additional fixed and mobile operators.
  • Development of a unified licensing regime and support in the transitioning of existing licences to provide for efficient regulation in a liberalised market.
  • Development of universal service policy and regulation to meet requirements for broadband, equity between operators, and support of disabled and economically disadvantaged people.
  • Development of a national e-commerce strategy covering all sectors of the economy including financial services, and government institutions involved in trade and the regulation of commerce.
  • Development of a five year regulatory roadmap to ensure a fair and transparent regulatory environment.
  • Development of an intervention policy to ensure availability of high speed broadband in a major European region.

Intercai Mondiale, Management Consultants

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