Intercai Mondiale
Design & Integration

Who we are

Our clients and services

Our people


We help our clients manage technology in line with their business strategy, plans and operational requirements

We bring to the table, a breadth and depth of experience in the application of technology in the telecommunications sector.

We address the development cycle from architecture and design, through integration, to implementation and post implementation audit. We shape service solutions that balance effective use of technology and return on investment.

For example, we designed a national network for a Middle Eastern operator. As well as defining the network architecture, we undertook a detailed design of the local and core network elements and dimensioned the network. An important aspect of the project was the specification of operational systems for billing, network assurance and provisioning. Following the implementation of the network, we were asked to audit it to ensure that the original design and specifications had been met in full.

We advise on service level agreements or SLAs by helping to write and negotiate service level agreements, by estimating the cost of an agreement through a risk analysis, and by helping to set parameters based on such analysis. We also offer training in the preparation of SLAs.

Networks, Hosting, Security, Service Delivery and Operational Support Systems

Intercai Mondiale, Management Consultants

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